Saturday, September 17, 2016

Finally Galley Project!!!

Hello everyone!  I'm in the greatest of moods, one we helped our friend finally sell her little trailer and I hope the new owners come over when they need help as I offered to help them with projects large or small.  That was huge in itself and the trailer went to a good family.

We've been working on putting the speakers in the galley lid, another project Crybaby/Surfside said couldn't be done.  Well we love proving him wrong and this one was a cherry.  Originally Crybaby put our galley speakers on the wall behind the sink a bad spot and when the galley leaked our speakers got soaked.  It's a project that's been on the todo list but couldn't be done until we tackled the galley hinge.

The original galley, the speakers were in a terrible place.

When the hinge leaked it soaked everything including the speakers.

We took out the speakers and turned the holes into our switches and a magnet board.

The switches run the lights in the galley and we have a 12 volt outlet to run a crockpot if we want.

While the deck lid was off we put in the speakers next to the lid light.

Time to add the quick connect ends and wire the speakers to the amplifier.

We added a noise reducer to keep any humming from wiring down.

The speakers were the easy part, the wiring was more of a challenge because we had to use the holes drilled by Crybaby and we had to do it without completely taking the lid apart.  With some creative taping and pulling we were able to get the wires through and the rest was a cup of cake.

We held our breath a little and switched everything on....success!!! We have music once again in the galley.  

This marks the end of galley projects for the Blue Guppy. Oh what a difference!

We took it today to the car wash for the first time it got a bath and the est part is no leaks!!

Our next project is removing the crank out windows and replacing them with slider windows.  We had originally order it with sliders but Crybaby kept our money and gave us the crank windows that I can't operate.

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy the camp.

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